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These are all tools with complexity "middle"!


In change management, the sounding board serves as a regular critical feedback tool given by employees concerned by the change project. Decision makers gain new insights about their project and identify challenges and problems early enough to intervene adequately.

Stakeholder analysis

The stakeholder analysis is a tool to identify and classify the stakeholders of a project. Identifying the stakeholders’ attitude towards the project is the main aim, in order to derive actions which influence the stakeholders’ attitude positively.


A swim lane is a visual element which is used in process flow diagrams or flowcharts to visualize the responsibilities for sub-processes of a business process.

Target tracking diagram

A plain and graphic description of target achievement over a period of time.

Time analysis

The time analysis represents a helpful method to quantify single process steps during an analysis.

Utility analysis

Utility analysis is a quantitative evaluation method where multiple non-monetary action alternatives are analyzed and rated according to their attractiveness. This should facilitate the decision making process.

VOC plan

The so called VOC plan is meant to illustrate the requirements a customer has on the provided product or service. On the other hand, it reflects how these are perceived by the customer.

World Café

The World Café is a moderation technique for workshops. The methods’ idea is the exchange in small groups (that will change) in an informal and relaxed atmosphere. Through the use of guiding questions, the groups’ overall knowledge and advantage in performance will be uncovered to develop new perspectives, mindsets and courses of action.