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These are all tools with complexity "middle"!

Fishbowl (also: inner-/outer circle method)

In an inner circle a question is discussed, while participants in the outer circle listen. The participants of the outer circle can switch into the inner circle to join the discussion.


Gannt chart is a tool of the project management that shows the time sequence of activities and milestones in the form of bars on a timeline.


The tool histogram is a graphical representation of the frequency distribution of metrically scaled variables.

Macro flowchart

The (macro-) flowchart is a visual depiction of the single steps of a process. This can be used to plan and to analyze a process more accurately.

Measurement matrix

A measurement matrix creates a structured approach to verify potential causes. In the matrix, possible influencing factors are matched with output measurement parameters. The goal is to identify the influencing factors with the likely largest effect on the output quantity and to further analyze them.


The Meeting Culture Map is a tool which identifies patterns as well as reinforcing factors and their impact on meeting results. On that basis, teams can consider typical behavior patterns they want to work on in order to make future meetings more efficient.

Morphologische Matrix

Systematic creativity technique for the development and examination of various options.

Multi-generation plan

The multi-generation plan focuses on particular content within a development project (for example DFSS development project – Design for Six Sigma) and supports a long-lasting project planning with the (further) development of products and processes.

Pie chart

Visualisation of grouped data as partial values of a whole shaped as parts of a circle.

Priority array

The Priority array is a tool for rating options or ideas and is often applied for decision making. Therefore, each characteristic is measured in a pairwise comparison by means of numbers and so prioritised.