Werkzeugkasten powered by DB Training





Effort: low xComplexity: easy x

Eternal minutes

To be used during project or job meetings in order to record tasks, dates and decisions and to allocate them to absentee.

Force field analysis

The force field analysis is a useful tool to identify both, factors which bind forces and inhibit or block changes as well as those which release forces and thus promote change throughout change processes.


The inframe / outframe serves to narrow and clarify the considered issues in analogy to a picture frame. It helps to realize what we want to consider for sure, what certainly not and at which points we are not certain yet.

Meeting course model

The meeting course model is a tool to analyze the key factors of participant involvement and potential conflict along the classic meeting phases and to improve it with the aid of targeted interventions

Mind Map

The tool “mind map” enables flexible and creative working by clearly developing subject areas and notes in a structured and visualized manner. This method creates a clear map that points out the main topic at first glance thanks to its visual contents.

Minutes of meeting

Minutes are matter-of-fact drawn-up records of a meeting, a conference call or anything alike. They document articulated information, concluded results and agreements (result protocol) or outline the detailed course of the discussion (history log).

Peer Supervision

The method of peer supervision takes place in small groups (6-9 employees). Participants consult each other on cases of their work life according to a predetermined conversation structure. An experienced group member slips into the role of the moderator and directs the conversation through six fixed phases. The method comprises approx. 45 min..

Photo documentation

Photo documentation is a simple, fast, and efficient tool to document the results of events (such as workshops, meetings, trainings, etc.).

Spaghetti diagram / movement map

Graphical tool for activities of a lean production which is used to visualize work practices and processes to reveal and depict waste at transports and movements.

Target testing sheet

To verify the effectiveness of applied improvement measures, the values of the indicator to be monitored are displayed in the upper part of the target testing sheet whereas the measures themselves are shown in the lower part in the shape of a Gannt diagram. Thereby the correlation between cause elimination and its effect can be pointed out.